Category: Stress

Door Covers For Easy Fun Budget Christmas Decorating

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Decorating For Christmas

Not everyone wants to think about a Christmas theme or to carry out all the work involved in sourcing and decorating to suit the chosen theme. There are some really lovely and unusual themes that can be chosen, instead of the traditional red and green that can be supplied by a Christmas tree or wreath and some red baubles or holly berries. These can require a lot of work and a reasonable budget that not everyone can afford. Christmas can still be fun and decorative without a large budget.

Christmas tree, basic theme for decorating

Tree and wreath with mistletoe for a traditional Christmas

Christmas Tree

For some people, a cheerful Christmas tree, decorated with hand made items, some fairy lights and perhaps sparkly tinsel is as much as they can think of with everything else to do at Christmas, especially if children are involved. And if a budget is a big consideration, then perhaps any spare money should be spent on quality toys for children or good food, rather than decorations which may be discarded once Christmas is done or which may not survive any mauling they may receive.

Christmas Themes

Christmas themes, cover front door

Fun Christmas theme using gnomes

For others, decorating for Christmas requires careful thought ahead of time, with a different theme or color scheme each year being a total necessity. Your theme may depend on whether you will be hosting adult or perhaps business company for Christmas or whether you are a harrassed parent with a number of small children and plenty of company to keep you busy. Themes do not all have to be high cost or bought in, they can be home made, with children creating snowmen or snowwomen and families or gnomes, for instance from recyclable materials that might otherwise be junked, including toilet paper inner rolls, dishwashing liquid bottles, cereal packets, paints, pencils or crayons and a lot of imagination and possibly cotton wool.

Door Covers

Door covers are a great way to decorate the outside or inside of your home at low cost. These are plastic or pvc sheets with colorful Christmas themes and pictures that are pinned or taped to the doors in your house. They are mostly budget friendly and provide a quick way of brightening the house with a cheerful and colorful festive feel. Being plastic, they are waterproof, so can be used outside on your entry door or inside on various inner doors.

Points To Be Careful Of

Christmas cover poster with snowflakes for door wall covering ideas

Plastic Christmas door cover or poster

If you are choosing a door cover or door covers for your house, make sure you know, as far as you can, what you are getting.


Door covers can be different heights, ranging from 5 feet to 7 feet. A 5 foot cover is unlikely to cover your whole door but can look very effective centered vertically on the door, especially if it has a glass panel to shine light through. You can also add decorations top and bottom, depending on your creativity and the material to hand, For instance green paper at the bottom for grass or white for snow, perhaps wood effect paper at the top to suggest a shed. A 7 foot door cover may well cover your whole door or most of it.


Check the width of your chosen cover against your door width. You may prefer a narrow cover or want one that goes right to the edges. Remember you will need a way to open the door and may need to cut a slit for a handle.

Attaching The Cover

Many of the door covers come with a rope that attaches to corner holes but this may not be suitable for your door. You may need to tape or tack the cover to your door. Be sure you are happy with the options you choose before perhaps realising that you could cause damage to a new door.


As with anything, you need to be sure of the quality of the item you are getting compared with the price you are paying. You will not get a silk purse at sow’s ear prices but you will at least want something that is likely to last out the Christmas season without ripping, even if it does not survive for re-use next year.

How Many Days Until Christmas

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How Many Days Til Christmas?

Christmas Is Coming. It’s now nearly the end of September 2017 and only 93 sleeps to Christmas Day 2017. Check up on the top right of this post to see a Christmas Countdown Clock.

It’s HOW many days til Christmas? Yes, you read that right – only 93, and it will be fewer by the time you read this.

What are you doing to Prepare?

Do you know where you will be? Will you be having guests? How many? What about your budget? If you want a stress free Christmas, then start your Christmas planning early, ESPECIALLY budgeting. It saves that terrifying sinking feeling in January, when you look at your credit card bill.

Fun At Christmas

If you start planning early enough and your budget allows, you could get Christmas pajamas for all the family or Christmas sweaters. Some offices hold an “ugly Christmas sweater” competition each year. Start early for more fun and less stress.

You may also be able to plan a Secret Santa stash or discuss with your family that if budgets are tight all round, everyone gets a secret Santa gift, so you all can enjoy Christmas without worrying about purchasing expensive gifts you can’t afford. Some shops may have sales on now or shortly and you may be able to make some purchases early, to spread the cost.

Christmas Crafts can be very inexpensive, great fun and an easy way to keep children occupied for ages before Christmas. Many schools will help children from kindergarten on up to create decorations that they will want to display proudly at home. You can also make your own creations well ahead of time. The pine trees near me have been shedding cones all year round and I have a small box of them sitting nearby in a small wooden box that I got for free from a local shop, long with a large glass jar that had held pickled eggs. The wooden box already has red and green paper on it and the glass jar has had the label soaked off. One will make a good display and the other can hold pine cones soaked in a Christmas pot pourri fragrance, to make the whole house smell like Christmas for a very low cost.

What Sort Of Christmas Do You Want?

Whether you want a Bah Humbug! type Christmas, or a vacation away from it all or will have the whole family descending on you from far afield, start planning now and whatever your Christmas preferences, you will be able to enjoy them stress free!

Awesome Practical Inspiration Now Christmas Is Over

Excellent Practical Ways To Actually Recover Quickly From Christmas

Christmas is over, gone, past, finished and done with – for this year! But what about NEXT Christmas? Did this Christmas go with a bang for you? Was it the best ever? Could it have been better?

I am not talking about your personal world because things can happen that we can do nothing about, that we can’t plan for and heartbreak can happen at any time. But if your Christmas plans did not work out, if your home looks like a garbage tip, if you were stressed out to the max, along with your credit cards and you are not looking forward to a long January with very little in the bank and big bills waiting to be paid then let’s look and see whether we can do something NOW to make sure NEXT Christmas goes more like the way you would like it to.

Easily Work Out What Went Wrong For You

Holiday depression and post holiday depression are very common, especially during and after Christmas. There can be many triggers; loneliness, family rows, the time of the year (the cold and dark), feelings of alienation from what is going on, etc. If you feel depressed – whether post Christmas or just generally depressed – please seek medical advice. There are many ways these days of helping people with depression and you shouldn’t just get told to “pull yourself together”! Please seek help now.

Totally separate from health concerns, there are many common themes to post-Christmas upsets, rows and annoyance over what did or did not happen. While it may not be possible to change what has happened, it is certainly possible to start planning now, so that next Christmas will be better. Ignoring it means setting yourself up for a repeat of what you did not enjoy this time round. If you want next Christmas to be better, start planning now, to ensure a better Christmas for you and your family and friends.


Overspending at Christmas is a common complaint AFTER the event. If you have overspent, then you need to get your finances back into good order and THEN start planning for next Chrsitmas

Not enough Money

The old saying is that “you can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear”, that is, you must make do with what you have. That’s old advice but still sound. When our finances dipped, I told my kids NOT to buy me a Christmas present, after all, I actually had everything I needed and I definitely didn’t need something to clutter me up further! I also told them that I would spend less on them at Christmas, to account for getting no present from them 🙂 and also told them I would spend more on them on their birthday, which helped spread the financial load. I also told them that there was a financial limit and that they could have their present in cash if they preferred. They did! I also set a limit on what I would spend on the grandchildren, so they all had the same.

Planning Disaster

There are lots of areas that can be planned and prepared well ahead of time and with a good calendar and perhaps a journal or diary, it’s possible to have a stress free Christmas if you want it, with no planning disasters. Of course, that doesn’t guarantee no natural disasters but you cannot do much about those.

Not Ready In Time

Christmas comes on the same day each year – surprise, surprise, so a countdown can help get everything planned and managed in good time.

Home looks Like Disaster Zone

After Christmas, it can take some time to take down the decorations and the house may look bare without the tree and the lights but a bit done each day soon gets it completed. Packing everything away carefully will make next Christmas a lot easier.

Family and friend Rows

Unfortunately, holidays at all times can be marred by family rows, especially if fuelled with alcohol. If you find Christmas spoilt for you EVERY year, maybe it is time to consider NOT inviting the offending family member?

Important Revealed Here – How To Have An Awesome NEXT Christmas

Next Christmas starts here. I will be sharing storage, clearing and planning tips with you to help make next Christmas even better.