Category: Food

How Many Days Until Christmas

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Are You On The Christmas Countdown?

Once it comes to the end of August each year, some people starting counting how many weeks or even how many days till Christmas. Of course, 2020 is going to be very different for many people: no Office Parties and kids may have started thinking about what they might like for Christmas, but in many households, Christmas expenditure will have to be cut back severely!

If your household is still able to celebrate and you need to know how many days until Christmas, you can see that on the Xmas clock in the top right hand corner of this page.

Preparing Ahead

If you like a big Christmas each year, you may have already started preparing as soon as the previous Christmas is over: recording what went well and what needs to be improved and starting to store decorations and the tree away ready for next year.

If you cook your special Christmas meal only once each year, it’s important to note down the cooking times and temperatures, the ingredients and any special items you include. It’s so easy to forget to buy that special ingredient or the particular temperature or cooking time needed for your turkey or special recipes but you usually remember them at the time you need them, so write them down then in your journal.

Getting Ready

Have you made a list of all the things you need to do? The cards to send, presents to buy and wrap, guests to prepare for? You can get a download list of things to remember and budget for here.

Secret Santa

Many work places hold a Secret Santa event each Christmas, where each worker draws another person’s name from a hat and buys them a present within a given budget. No one knows who buys which present for which person. Some families, especially large ones, make use of Secret Santa each year to cut down on overall expenditure and allow each person to receive one bigger gift rather than many smaller gifts.


Favorites Food Gift Swiss Colony

Whether you like traditional or experimental food at Christmas time, there are recipes available for you from cooking the turkey to perfection, to special stuffings, to vegetarian or vegan meals and everything in between. Perhaps you would also like to check out what other countries serve for their Christmas meals. Some countries celebrate Christmas at a different time from the US, so if you travelled, you could experience 3 different Christmas dinners between the beginning of December and the start of January following. Even if you cook your main meal from scratch, it can be useful to get snacks and side dishes to keep ahead of time. Christmas food or hampers can also be useful gifts, especially for those far away.
Listed Price: $32.99
Sale Price: $29.99

A sure-thing gift for terrific variety and unparalleled quality. To ensure that you receive only the freshest products, we will contact you before shipping this item if your location is forecasting ho… Read more…

43 Season Pleasers Food Gift from The Swiss Colony

What could be better than something for everyone in the whole family-from meat and cheese lovers to chocolate lovers. To ensure that you receive only the freshest products, we will contact you before …


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32 Snacking Favorites from The Swiss Colony

These food gift favorites are always guaranteed pleasers. Gift includes: To ensure that you receive only the freshest products, we will contact you before shipping this item if your location is foreca…


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Wine Country Gift Baskets Ghirardelli

Traditional roast turkey and ham for Christmas dinner is not to everyone’s liking, some people prefer fish or a vegan or vegetarian meal, while others prefer to try something new and exciting. Some people may prefer to keep their Christmas dinner very light and plain while others will have large numbers of family and friends to share the meal and some social time afterwards. Cooking a traditional meal means you always know what is on the menu and that can help reduce the stress levels compared with cooking something experimental. Even if you cook your main meal from scratch, it can be useful to get snacks and side dishes to keep ahead of time. Christmas food or hampers can also be useful gifts, especially for those far away.
Listed Price: $33.26
Sale Price: $29.95

This exclusive Ghirardelli gift tower, a consistent Wine Country favorite, is available with free shipping! Milk chocolate with caramel, dark chocolate wafers, milk and dark chocolate covered Bavaria… Read more…

Winter Wonderland Gift Tower

Winter is when we bring together all the most delicious tastes that are unique to the season – which is exactly what we did with this Winter Wonderland Gift Tower. In four festive holiday boxes, we’ve…


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Broadway Basketeers Holiday Towering Heights Gourmet Gift Tower with an Assortment of Chocolate, Snacks, Sweets, Cookies and Nuts

This Gourmet Gift Tower opens up to reveal a collection of 6 gift boxes. Gift tower includes: Lindt truffles, milk chocolate Bavarian pretzels, blueberry-Greek yogurt cookies, double dipped chocolate …


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